Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Facilitator evaluations

1. Participation (94%) Georgina tends to be somewhat quiet, however it is clear that she knows the material that has been assigned. She took the role of "patient" in the second case and the role of "scribe" in another case. She really made an effort to increase her participation in discussions. She attended all sessions.

2. Preparation (94%) Georgina is consistently well prepapred for group sessions. She uses a variety of references, some of which are web-based. She is well prepared for group discussions, often having put diagrams and charts on the board ahead of time.

3. Group skills (96%) Georgina is a pleasure to have in the group. She is always respectful of others and has a calming influence on the group. She usually has a good grasp of concepts. She is an active listener and sometimes takes the lead in discussions, but usually waits until there is an appropriate moment to interject her thoughts. She improved considerably in making her self more "available" to the group by making more effort to participate in discussions.

4. Professionalism (96%) Georgina demonstrates excellent professional demeanor at all times.

5. Self Awareness (92%) Georgian has made the most effort toward improving her skills in the group. Tending to be somewhat quiet, it has been a struggle that Georgina has been working to improve. She is never defensive or blaming. She may tend to underestimate her knowledge, but it is clear to us that she is well prepared and has a good grasp of concepts.

6. Critical thinking (92%) Georgina consistently demonstrates key skills in critical thinking such as generating hypotheses and applying previously learned knowledge. She is often instrumental in getting learning issues to the table. She has improved since midterm in being able to integrate knowledge. She put an incredible diagram on the board in one case in an attempt to integrate a lot of seemingly disparate concepts.

7. Facilitating the learning of others (98%) Georgina is often the person who presents information at the visual level and in this way is very effective in conveying information to the group. Georgina makes the most effort of anyone in the group to do this. Her visual representations of concepts are very well received and appreciated by the group. She often uses her diagrams to integrate concepts which is a very high level of ability in terms of combining critical thinking skills and facilitation of learning. Georgina should consider a career in academic medicine

8. Osteopathic concepts (94%) The group stuggles with incorporating osteopathic ooncepts into discussions. There was much improvement after the midterm. Students made more effort to discuss osteopathic findings in the cases. Georgina had the idea to organize learning issues into the levels of organization. She also often brought up psychosocial issues (often not considered in cases). She made a considerable effort to improve the group's performance in this area.
Overall score: 95%

wow ! You got some fabulous comments!! Especially about you considering a career in academic medicine. YAY ! :)
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